Best Bachelorettes!!

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Let’s talk Bachelorette parties! What is the purpose of the bachelorette party, and how has it evolved over the years?  Like so many things in our social-media driven world, bachelorette parties have grown from what used to be a night out to full weekends away! Every dutiful attendant is looking for the newest, flashiest, and […]

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Camps for Kids!

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When a person thinks “Paint & Sip Studio” they may not automatically think “kids!”, but in our case they totally should! While no, we don’t serve them alcohol (obviously) kids love our studio!  Since opening in 2015 we have been a go-to place for fun and easy birthday parties (look for a future blog post […]

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Paint & Strip… wait, what?!?

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If the title made you do a double-take, you are not alone! This is the second year that the Burlington Paint & Sip Studio is bringing you a paint & sip experience like no other, and we thought you might like hearing how it came about, how it works, and what makes it so much […]

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Time Spent Together

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The holidays are definitely the time of year that we most often reflect on what matters to us, our loved ones, and perhaps most importantly, wonderful memories! I was lucky enough this year to be able to take my mother (along with my wife and mother-in-law) to NYC for a quick, 2 night excursion to […]

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We have a mission!

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A mission?  At a paint & sip studio?  Huh? When we purchased the studio in 2019 our main focus was to get our feet under us, learn everything we needed and enjoy entrepreneurship!  Then…. well…. I don’t have to tell you what happened in 2020.  Can you say “pivot pivot pivot”? Pivot was the name […]

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We are OPEN!

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Sip Happens, but not when it comes to COVID-19!  We are thrilled to have you back in our studio, and are striving to keep you safe! Please note that we now have a required minimum number of participants to hold a class.  We reserve the right to cancel a class and participants will be allowed […]

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Closed Until April 6

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To all of our valued customers, because we are categorized as a “restaurant/bar” we are now officially closed per the Governors directive until April 6. These are strange and scary times for everyone, and as owners of a small business this is particularly stressful, but your safety is our priority. For everyone who have tickets […]

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Burlington Paint and Sip Studio

Burlington Paint and Sip Studio